Hop 20 超級水上擂台 $6500

Overpass 水上拱橋 $4,800

Vista 展望山 $8,250

Sierra 大牙山 $4,800

Jungle Jim 水上森林 $5,500

Neptune 反斗龍門陣 $5,450

Delta 水上跨欄 $3,000

Tango 探戈彈彈床 $2,600

Walk On Water 水上飛橋 $3,500

Foxtrot 狐步舞台 $3,000

Zulu 非洲滑梯 $4,900

Velocity slide6.0 極速滑梯6.0 $5,500

Splashmat 水上飛氈 $3,500

i-log 水上平衡木 $1,200

Airport 水上機場 $1,300

Swimstep XL 水上平台 $1,800

Malibu Aquapark 馬利寶水上樂園 $3,200

Rockit Jr 搖滾飛碟 $4,200

Axis Totter 水上蹺蹺板 $2,400

Blast with Wedgie 霹靂袋 $2,000

Wonder Wheel 倉鼠輪 $3,200

Air Log T 骨平衡木 $2,200

Captain’s Chair 53” 霸王椅 $200 or $400 (1 set of 3)

Voyager 飄浮者 $80 of $200 (1 set of 5)

Hydro Lounge 超級大浮台 $500 or $700 (1 set of 2)

Power Paddler -kid 兒童手攪船 $1,500 (for 2)

Power Paddler- adult 親子手攪船 $2,000 (for 2)

Inflatable Kayak (double) 充氣獨木舟 $900

Bali 6 兒童獨木舟 $1,400 (for 2)

Inflatable buoy tube 充氣浮筒 $500 (1 set of 2) $300@

1. The rental price above is for one session of 3 hours.
2. The rental price is inclusive of setting up and demolishing of the facilities.
1. Our Aquapark facilities are connectable with interlocking straps – simply choose the facilities and we can design and make the PERFECT combination for you!
2792 8307
6364 0656
Whatsapp: 6364 0656
Email: [email protected]